Kutai National Park is an area of lowland tropical rain forests are located in the province of East Kalimantan is geographically located at 07'55 "- 033'53" North latitude and 11658'48 "- 11735'29" east longitude, which includes 3 (three ) administrative regions namely, Bontang, East Kutai Regency with an area of 198,629 ha.
As a lowland tropical rain forest, Kutai National Park is rich in biodiversity (precautionary), one of precautionary wealth in Kutai National Park is an insect (Insect). According to wikipedia.org insects / Insect is the main group (phyllum) of segmented animals (arthropods) which three pairs, which is why they are called also hexapoda (Greek), meaning "six-legged."
Given the richness of insect species that exist in Kutai National Park and limited reference as a basis for identification, information contained only a few types of insects that have been identified from each of the following orders, namely, Odonata (dragonflies), Lepidoptera (butterflies), Hymenoptera (ants and bees), Diptera (flies-lalatan), Hemiptera (ladybugs), Orthoptera (grasshoppers) and Coleoptera (beetles).
Odonata: the Order which included bermetamofosis not wsempurna with stage larvae in this water, characterized by the existence of two pairs of wings, chewing-type mouth, has a large compound eyes, have a short anthena and are karnifor. Consists of 2 sub-orders namely, dragonfly pin (Zygoptera) and common dragonflies (Anisptera).
Lepidoptera: Butterflies and moths (rama-rama) is classified into the insect order Lepidoptera, or "winged insect scales" (lepis, scales and wings). Simply put, the butterflies and moths are distinguished on the basis of their active time and physical characteristics. Butterflies umumny a day at a time when active (diurnal), while the moth is active mostly at night (nocturnal). Butterflies rest or perch to enforce its wings, moth perched with spread wings. Butterflies usually have a bright beautiful colors, moths cenderum dark, dull or gray.
Hymenoptera: Order lots of benefits for humans, because as a member of this Order is entomopili. Group of this Order has thin-winged characteristics (membrane) as much as two pairs. Order this experience metamorphosis, in some members of this Order has the typical female ovipositor to insert eggs into the host as well as other places that can not be affordable. Ovipositor often modified on the stinger.
By: Agus Hermawan Apandi and Kutai National Park.
Oh, this your blog Bah. Very good of the article about Insect In National Kutai.
BalasHapusI hope promotion National Park other, because in Indonesian many National Park.
Ok, congrutulation for your blog dan article.
It's a good article about National Park.
BalasHapusI hope for next time, you create again about other National Park in Indonesia.
Ok, I wait other nice article about National Park.
Thank, Ricky.
Eeee........ Bah, keren juga bisa bikin blog, coba dikembangkan lagi dengan materi yang berkaitan dengan ecotourism yang lebih menarik.
BalasHapusOk, selamat dan ditunggu artikel-artikel lainnya yang lebih heeeeeebat lagi.
Trims. Ricky.
Bah, kalau nggak salah Taman Nasional Kutai itu, kan di Bontang Provinsi Kalimantan Timur.
BalasHapusDisana konon khabarnya, banyak sekali kekayaan dan keindahan alamnya, coba digali lagi yang lebih dalam dan menarik, lalu tuangkan dalam artikel dan di posting menjadi materi blog,cantik kan ? Ok, ditunggu artikel berikutnya.
Bolehlah ....... ini artikel untuk terus dilengkapi sebagai bahan tambahan untuk informasi mengenai serangga kita.
BalasHapusDitunggu artikel-artikel lainnya.
Ini artikel yang bagus untuk diinformasikan kepada kawan, saudara atau teman yang lainnya yang akan pergi ke Kota Bontang Prov. Kalimantan Timur, karena di kota ini trdapat Taman Nasional Kutai yang kaya dengan keindahan alam, dan hewani, serta tumbuhan yang specifik.
BalasHapusBaik, terima kasih kawan atsinfonya.