The definition of Ecotourism adopted by TIES, 1990 is : “ Ecoturism is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the will-being of local people “. The definition of Ecoturism/Wisata Alam adopted by Ecoturism Australia is : Ecotourism is ecologically sustainable tourism with a primary focus on experiencing natural areas that fosters environmental and cultural understanding, appreciation and conservation.
This web is compiled as step of promotion and information to public to be more recognizes existence and the ecotourism of Ciremai Mountain National Park.
Write by : Ciremai Mountain National Park & Agus Hermawan Apandi
Ciremai National National Park (TNGC) as natural conservation area having important ecological function as water catchment area with 156 water spring flowing during the year. Forest area of Ciremai Mountain is scarce animal original habitat as well as rich biodiversity, and areal interesting natural phenomenon. This natural resource and biodiversity of Ciremai Mountain is important ecologycal value at the same can be developed as ecotourism, education, research and science.
Location for develop activity ecotourism, Ciremai National National Park (TNGC) covers an area 15.500 hectar with altitude 3.078 m as which is the highest mountain in West Java. They are three main access to the park which are Linggarjati and Cigugur (Kuningan District) and Maja (Majalengka District ). The access is area admission of the park olso climbing track tp reach summit of Ciremai Mountain.
Linggarjati is main entrance and location of the head office Ciremai Mountain National Park, it can be reach 4 hours by bus from Bandung and same 4 hours olso by train connect with by bus from Jakarta.
Locations for ecotourism in Ciremai Mointain National Park, as follow :
1. Cilengkrang Valley
Tourist will enjoy the beautiful valley with pleasant views of natural landscape of sub Montana forest. The valley provides a nice atmosphere, its can be accessed from Pejambon village 8 km south of Linggarjati. Thre are two waterfall after ½ hours walk, called “Curug Sawer” and “Curug Sabuk” and tourist will be able to enjoy natualhot spring near to “Curug Sawer”’
Domestic tourism usually visits the valley to spending their weekend for both exercise and recreation with family. Some tourist facilities such as toilet, tracking trail and mosque are available.
The valley is verry famous, its provides an excellent sight and olso scarce unique animal habitat, such as Spizateus cirrhatus ang Ciung Mungkal Jawa (Cochoa azurea) and Celepuk Jawa (Otus Angelinae). For thoese reason Ciremai Mountain National Park becomes important area for bird (Important Bird Area) with code JID024 (Bird Life International Indonesia the year 1998)
2. Palutungan Tracking Trail and Camping Ground
Palutungan Tracking Trail
The track is easiest usually for beginner, a long 9,8 km toward the summit. There are available 9 resting points with excellent view of sub mountain forest wich is verry common Jamuju (Podocarpus imbricata). The track can be reached 15 minutes from Cigugur.
Palutugan Camping Groung
This camping ground covers approximately 2 ha, having capacities around 100 peoples (25 tent). It is under extent of pine stand aquiped by toilet, MCK, mosque and water spring and there is waterfall called “Curug Putri” 100 meter walk. The ground is easy to reach and near to the Palutungan tracking trail.
3. Linggarjati Tracking Trail and Cibunar Camping Ground
Linggarjati Tracking Trail
This is very challenges track, and usually enthuse the climbes because it’s hardest track than others. Along approximately 8,6 km to summit of the mountain with 9 resting point provides excellent view of virgin forest. To acces the track, tourist can pass Linggarjati and the location is only 1 km from historical building “ Gedung Perjanjian Linggarjati “.
Cibunar Camping Ground
There is camping ground in resting point number 1 of Linggarjati tracking trail. It’s covers approximately o,5 ha usually use to resting point and near to the ground available water spring. It used to protected forest domnated by pine (Pinus merkusii)
4. Remis Lake
It’s a natural lake located in Kaduela village, about 35 km from Kuningan city. In one extent, there are eight natural lakes called Telaga Leat, Lake Nilem, Telaga Deleg, Lake Situ Ayu Lintang, Lake Leutik, Telaga Buruy, Lake Tespong and Sumur Jalatunda.
Beside viw of nature with various interesting floras, tourist will enjoy calm and transparency lake. Tourist can do some activities such as water bicycle surrounding the lake and fishing. Toilet entertainment stage and security pos are available in the area.
5. Cibulan Natural Swimming Pool
The obyect is natural swimming pool, 9 km from Kuningan and the access is easy to reach. This famous and unique pool is about 600 meter, the Dutch established it at 1993.
Tourist allow swim together with fishes called “ kancra bodas or labeo (Labeobardus dourneia) or god fish “ assumed as sacred fish. It’s olso know as historical place believed as meditation place for their ancestor called “ Raja Siliwangi”.
6. Balong Dalem
In this location ecotourism, we will find two big pools which in sundanese recognized as “ Balong Gede “. There is water spring which following during the year and know as sacred place by local resident. Every year, it has ceremonial event called “ Kawin Cai “. It was traditional event to marriage water between different spring that are “ Sumur Tujuh “ Cibulan and Balong Gede.
Near to the spring, available camping ground covers approximately 2 ha or 200 people (50 tent) equipped with mosque and toilet. It has purpose for education and tourism besides known as historical place for national hero cemetery place to Dutch occupying epoch, and there is warrior monument and cenotaph.
Balong Dalem is located in Sadamarta village, along 4 km from Linggarjati, easy to access and only take 15 minutes, Cigugur Natural Swimming Pool
7. Paniis Rapid Water and Camping Ground
Landscape shaded by pine stand Pinus merkusii, sp , the ground use to camping ground equipped with toilet, mosque and security pos. There is river flowing rapidly near to the ground, which exploited as water resource by local resident also for private company to supply Cirebon district.
This river is also known as tourism destination with natural swimming activity and located at Paniis village about 10 km or 20 minutes away from Lingarjati/
8. Apuy Tracking Trail
Approximately 12 km from Maja, there are 2 option access, 12 km from Babakan Kaler village and 15 km from Cibuluh village in Majalengka district. The track is about 8,2 km to mountain summit has 5 resting points and known as easiest tracking trail.
Tourist will be enjoy fresh and cold athmosphere of sub Montana forest, which is dominated by Saninten (Castanea argentea), Pasang (Lithocarpus sundaicus), and Huru (Litsea sp) and various singing birds like Eeke Kiling (Cissa thalassina), Sepah Madu (Perictorus miniatus), Walik (Ptilinopuscinctus), Anis (Zoothera citrine).
In the first resting post recognized as Gunung Pucuk, belived by local recident as sacred cemetery and applied as of pilgrimage every “Friday Kliwon”
9. Sangiang Lake
Natural lake covers 30 ha surrounded by natural tree stand. This gives cold and fresh impression. This lake is popular as tourism destination and sacred place for pilgrimage, located in Sangiang village, 12 km from Maja.
Tourist will find fishes abundance in the lake. It is believed as sacred fish and take the fish forbidden. If someone tries to break the rule, something will happened or got an accident. In the opposite, swimming or bath in the lake believed brings luck, so tourist enable to swims with the fishes.
There is sacred cemetery of Prabu Talaga Manggung believe as descendant of “ Raja Siliwangi “ in the area. Some facilities, toilet, ticketing post, security post, and mosqyue are available.
10. Park Regulation
Tourist be enabled resides only in track which has been provides
Don’t destroy or remove the object in national park area.
Don’t bring equipments that can adulterate area like musical instrument, soap, toots paste, spidol, pylox, pesticide paint, etc
Bring garbage out of national park
To all climbers are suggested brings foods, jacket, raincoat, flashlight and clothes
Prohibited brings equipments which applicable to cut, and forbidden drugs
Don’t make except for activity of camp can be executed in place which firewood brought from outside national park area.
11. Permit
a. Licencing servis centrally in head of national park, with booking and quota system
b. Report to officer whwn admission and exit the area
c. Officer will investigate all equipment and pemit (SIMAKSI) before and after entering area
12. Climber Permit
a. Every climber must bring area admittance certificate (SIMAKSI) enabled in head office of national park, at least 2 – 30 days before the day, while for foreigner suggested to booking or permit directly. The time duration for climber is 1 – 2 days night.
b. Pays for expense of admission according to retribution table bellow
c. Delivers copy og identity card
d. Tourist under 17 years old must enclose permit and copy of parental identity card
e. Every groups only 3 climbers, otherwise must enclose the permit with list of group members (include name, age, gender, work)
f. Bring standard equipments such as jacket, clothes, raincoat, tent, sleeping bag, hat, enough food and beverage, medicines
Location for develop activity ecotourism, Ciremai National National Park (TNGC) covers an area 15.500 hectar with altitude 3.078 m as which is the highest mountain in West Java. They are three main access to the park which are Linggarjati and Cigugur (Kuningan District) and Maja (Majalengka District ). The access is area admission of the park olso climbing track tp reach summit of Ciremai Mountain.
Linggarjati is main entrance and location of the head office Ciremai Mountain National Park, it can be reach 4 hours by bus from Bandung and same 4 hours olso by train connect with by bus from Jakarta.

1. Cilengkrang Valley
Tourist will enjoy the beautiful valley with pleasant views of natural landscape of sub Montana forest. The valley provides a nice atmosphere, its can be accessed from Pejambon village 8 km south of Linggarjati. Thre are two waterfall after ½ hours walk, called “Curug Sawer” and “Curug Sabuk” and tourist will be able to enjoy natualhot spring near to “Curug Sawer”’
Domestic tourism usually visits the valley to spending their weekend for both exercise and recreation with family. Some tourist facilities such as toilet, tracking trail and mosque are available.
The valley is verry famous, its provides an excellent sight and olso scarce unique animal habitat, such as Spizateus cirrhatus ang Ciung Mungkal Jawa (Cochoa azurea) and Celepuk Jawa (Otus Angelinae). For thoese reason Ciremai Mountain National Park becomes important area for bird (Important Bird Area) with code JID024 (Bird Life International Indonesia the year 1998)
2. Palutungan Tracking Trail and Camping Ground
Palutungan Tracking Trail
The track is easiest usually for beginner, a long 9,8 km toward the summit. There are available 9 resting points with excellent view of sub mountain forest wich is verry common Jamuju (Podocarpus imbricata). The track can be reached 15 minutes from Cigugur.
Palutugan Camping Groung
This camping ground covers approximately 2 ha, having capacities around 100 peoples (25 tent). It is under extent of pine stand aquiped by toilet, MCK, mosque and water spring and there is waterfall called “Curug Putri” 100 meter walk. The ground is easy to reach and near to the Palutungan tracking trail.
3. Linggarjati Tracking Trail and Cibunar Camping Ground
Linggarjati Tracking Trail
This is very challenges track, and usually enthuse the climbes because it’s hardest track than others. Along approximately 8,6 km to summit of the mountain with 9 resting point provides excellent view of virgin forest. To acces the track, tourist can pass Linggarjati and the location is only 1 km from historical building “ Gedung Perjanjian Linggarjati “.
Cibunar Camping Ground
There is camping ground in resting point number 1 of Linggarjati tracking trail. It’s covers approximately o,5 ha usually use to resting point and near to the ground available water spring. It used to protected forest domnated by pine (Pinus merkusii)
4. Remis Lake
It’s a natural lake located in Kaduela village, about 35 km from Kuningan city. In one extent, there are eight natural lakes called Telaga Leat, Lake Nilem, Telaga Deleg, Lake Situ Ayu Lintang, Lake Leutik, Telaga Buruy, Lake Tespong and Sumur Jalatunda.
Beside viw of nature with various interesting floras, tourist will enjoy calm and transparency lake. Tourist can do some activities such as water bicycle surrounding the lake and fishing. Toilet entertainment stage and security pos are available in the area.
5. Cibulan Natural Swimming Pool
The obyect is natural swimming pool, 9 km from Kuningan and the access is easy to reach. This famous and unique pool is about 600 meter, the Dutch established it at 1993.
Tourist allow swim together with fishes called “ kancra bodas or labeo (Labeobardus dourneia) or god fish “ assumed as sacred fish. It’s olso know as historical place believed as meditation place for their ancestor called “ Raja Siliwangi”.
6. Balong Dalem
In this location ecotourism, we will find two big pools which in sundanese recognized as “ Balong Gede “. There is water spring which following during the year and know as sacred place by local resident. Every year, it has ceremonial event called “ Kawin Cai “. It was traditional event to marriage water between different spring that are “ Sumur Tujuh “ Cibulan and Balong Gede.
Near to the spring, available camping ground covers approximately 2 ha or 200 people (50 tent) equipped with mosque and toilet. It has purpose for education and tourism besides known as historical place for national hero cemetery place to Dutch occupying epoch, and there is warrior monument and cenotaph.
Balong Dalem is located in Sadamarta village, along 4 km from Linggarjati, easy to access and only take 15 minutes, Cigugur Natural Swimming Pool
7. Paniis Rapid Water and Camping Ground
Landscape shaded by pine stand Pinus merkusii, sp , the ground use to camping ground equipped with toilet, mosque and security pos. There is river flowing rapidly near to the ground, which exploited as water resource by local resident also for private company to supply Cirebon district.
This river is also known as tourism destination with natural swimming activity and located at Paniis village about 10 km or 20 minutes away from Lingarjati/
8. Apuy Tracking Trail
Approximately 12 km from Maja, there are 2 option access, 12 km from Babakan Kaler village and 15 km from Cibuluh village in Majalengka district. The track is about 8,2 km to mountain summit has 5 resting points and known as easiest tracking trail.
Tourist will be enjoy fresh and cold athmosphere of sub Montana forest, which is dominated by Saninten (Castanea argentea), Pasang (Lithocarpus sundaicus), and Huru (Litsea sp) and various singing birds like Eeke Kiling (Cissa thalassina), Sepah Madu (Perictorus miniatus), Walik (Ptilinopuscinctus), Anis (Zoothera citrine).
In the first resting post recognized as Gunung Pucuk, belived by local recident as sacred cemetery and applied as of pilgrimage every “Friday Kliwon”
9. Sangiang Lake
Natural lake covers 30 ha surrounded by natural tree stand. This gives cold and fresh impression. This lake is popular as tourism destination and sacred place for pilgrimage, located in Sangiang village, 12 km from Maja.
Tourist will find fishes abundance in the lake. It is believed as sacred fish and take the fish forbidden. If someone tries to break the rule, something will happened or got an accident. In the opposite, swimming or bath in the lake believed brings luck, so tourist enable to swims with the fishes.
There is sacred cemetery of Prabu Talaga Manggung believe as descendant of “ Raja Siliwangi “ in the area. Some facilities, toilet, ticketing post, security post, and mosqyue are available.
10. Park Regulation
Tourist be enabled resides only in track which has been provides
Don’t destroy or remove the object in national park area.
Don’t bring equipments that can adulterate area like musical instrument, soap, toots paste, spidol, pylox, pesticide paint, etc
Bring garbage out of national park
To all climbers are suggested brings foods, jacket, raincoat, flashlight and clothes
Prohibited brings equipments which applicable to cut, and forbidden drugs
Don’t make except for activity of camp can be executed in place which firewood brought from outside national park area.
11. Permit
a. Licencing servis centrally in head of national park, with booking and quota system
b. Report to officer whwn admission and exit the area
c. Officer will investigate all equipment and pemit (SIMAKSI) before and after entering area
12. Climber Permit
a. Every climber must bring area admittance certificate (SIMAKSI) enabled in head office of national park, at least 2 – 30 days before the day, while for foreigner suggested to booking or permit directly. The time duration for climber is 1 – 2 days night.
b. Pays for expense of admission according to retribution table bellow
c. Delivers copy og identity card
d. Tourist under 17 years old must enclose permit and copy of parental identity card
e. Every groups only 3 climbers, otherwise must enclose the permit with list of group members (include name, age, gender, work)
f. Bring standard equipments such as jacket, clothes, raincoat, tent, sleeping bag, hat, enough food and beverage, medicines
This web is compiled as step of promotion and information to public to be more recognizes existence and the ecotourism of Ciremai Mountain National Park.
Write by : Ciremai Mountain National Park & Agus Hermawan Apandi
Ok, this is a good heading article, I remember when I went to Cirebon and Kuningan last time. Tank You, see you write